

Exciting and busy time of our lives. God Rocks! And yes, it never rains, it pours…. and it is thundering down right now. 

God moves in exquisite and mysterious ways and it seems, as I have prayed for years, everyone in our family has a very specific purpose for the immediate (to a year) future. Awesome stuff. X

Ship 24 being rolled to the launch site in Boca Chica, TX., for the first orbital launch sometime in the next month or two. Credit: SpaceX/Instagram

Our kitchen extension out the back has been a long time coming. Took us 4 years from moving in July 2015 – with a local council rejection in the middle of it – to the Planning Inspectorate appeal approval. Total yay! Post approval in 2019 the focus shifted to Richard to complete the last year of his Astronomy Degree and then 2 years of Masters which has taken us to April this year. 

Pretty certain, since March 2021, we were heading to the Lake District for a ‘next and unexpected chapter of our lives’ (for Richard to undertake his PhD in Astrophysics) plans suddenly took a fabulous twist. Texas beckoned my husband to commit to an extremely different and exciting lifestyle change for the next 6 years – an offer we simply could not forego! Our 12 year dream of potentially moving to America was actually coming true and right next to the SpaceX ‘Starbase’ in Boca Chica! Mind. Blowing. Stuff. Then the house refused to have us sell it and circumstances, out of the blue, meant we could now actually undertake the extension, rent it out once complete…. and keep it!

God. Rocks. Yet. Again! X

And so the 15th of August peeks over the brow of the hill when we will head to Heathrow for a long haul flight to arrange it all and at the same time – fabulous builders in the throes of laying foundations and steels in place. I return to our home called heaven early September to continue making thrilling changes to very old spaces. 

Hour by hour is what He asks of us and I am happy to oblige and work and watch it all unfold, perfectly!

Thanks again, God! X

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