

How much do you really have to pack when you go away?

Well, of course that depends upon how long you intent to be away. The situation for Luke and myself is that we will be away for several years. The thought is daunting.

Credit: Ingus Kruklitis/Vecteezy

We therefore followed good planning practice and separated our packing into a number of different prioritisation categories…

  • Critical stuff – The usual holiday accoutrements including phones, laptops, holiday clothes, sunglasses and two bass guitars and books on high-energy astrophysics and classical mechanics. This was in the 14 bags we took with with us!
  • To follow immediately (year 1) – There will be a few bits and pieces which we were unable to carry that will need to follow us out in fairly rapid succession. Telescopes, tripods, piano keyboards and drum kits are a few examples.
  • For remaining time away – There will be other items which will be required depending upon whether we are renting a furnished or unfurnished property while we are away.
  • Storage / Rubbish (Trash) – For everything else, there seems to be two subcategories which will make the hoarders amongst us flinch in pain, and which we singularly failed to address before going away. I suspect the storage pile will end up being significantly larger than the chuck-away pile.

My wonderful wife, as always, is a star and has offered to address the latter categories in the coming months while the house is completed ready for renting out. I envisage a lot of FaceTiming around the house looking at piles of books, glasses, ornaments and medals from 10km races from 20 years ago 😉 . Let’s hope American Airlines can handle the task of ensuring the critical stuff follows along with us to Texas!

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