The air that we breathe

The air that we breathe

New air, new breath, new intake of God Himself.

Ja. I believe every breath we take is that of God Himself and every opportunity presented to us is one to embrace with arms out wide. 

Being back in America with this semi-permanent status has not disappointed in any way, shape or form. Of course, every now and then we look at each other, eyes wide and question: “what on earth is going on in the Pomeroy family!?“

Richard and I first visited America together in 2010, Colorado, for Richard’s first 100 mile ‘Trail Across the Sky’, Leadville foot race and we were hooked from the moment we landed in Denver. Dreams and goals and prayers are now such that we are living that seed sown 12 years ago – and it is absolutely not lost on me that it is God Himself Who has orchestrated it all. Just wow God, THANKS. X

Hot and humid Gulf of Mexico air – we are most honoured to be here. ???? X

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